• Dear Parent/Guardian,

    Your Year 8 child’s HPV- Human Papilloma Virus vaccine is now due.

    This is now a one dose vaccine. If you would like further information, please visit-

    Information on the HPV vaccination from September 2023 - GOV.UK (

    or a leaflet can be collected via the school.

    Click here to read more

  • Further to my letter of Monday 13 May 2024, please find attached the Year 8 Assessment Fortnight 2 Timetable.

    Please note that the timetable, as well as exam and information for each subject, can also be found on the Year 8 Team under the ‘AF2’ channel.

    Please click here for more information

    Please click here for the timetable

  • On Tuesday 21 May 2024, Year 8 will be off-timetable and will be taking part in wider curriculum experiences led by the History and Design & Technology (DT) Departments. You may recall my last letter explaining the day, however, this time Tutor Groups will now reverse and complete the opposite activities.

    Therefore, the History Department will be taking Tutor Groups Opal, Pearl, Sapphire and Topaz (OPST) and the DT department will be taking Amethyst, Emerald, Garnet and Jade (AEGJ). Both departments were incredibly impressed with students’ engagement in both activities and I would recommend parents/carers and students to check the school’s social feeds for an idea of how the day operates.

    Click here to read more

  • We have over 160 Year 8 students who will be participating in 'Take Your Daughter to Work Day’ on Thursday 25 April 2024.

    They should have all received a booklet to complete whilst they are there. Please look over the information with your daughter as it includes a section for the supervising adult.

    Click here to read more

  • We are writing to invite you to the Year 8 Virtual Parents Evening on Tuesday 5 March 2024 from 3.30pm until 6.15pm. During this evening, you will have the opportunity to meet virtually with a selection of your daughter’s subject teachers to discuss their work, attitude and progress.

    As this is a subject specific consultation, Form Tutors will not be available for meetings on this evening's schedule.

    Please click here for more information

  • On Wednesday 13 March 2024 the normal timetable will be suspended to allow Year 8 to take part in wider curriculum experiences led by the History and Design & Technology Departments.

    The History Department will be taking tutor groups Amethyst, Emerald, Garnet and Jade (AEGJ) while the Design & Technology Department will be taking Opal, Pearl, Sapphire and Topaz (OPST).

    AEGJ will be using the day to consider and engage with how history is remembered and memorialised. This will be done with a local history focus in a Tolworth and Kingston context, while also looking more broadly at how history is memorialised on a national and even international scale. The day will culminate in students creating their own historical monuments/memorials using materials to display in an exhibit that will be judged by fellow Year 8 students and staff. It is our objective that this will not only allow students to appreciate history in a more localised manner but also allow students to engage with history in a more creative capacity.

    Please click here to read more

  • As you will be aware, since returning in January 2024, Year 8 students have been participating in our GCSE subject presentations led by subject specialists learning about all the subjects available to them in Year 9. It has been lovely to see students engage in discussions and ask thoughtful and relevant questions.

    The next stage of our GCSE preparation programme is our GCSE Subject & Careers Fair taking place tomorrow, Tuesday 23 January from 6.00pm to 8.00pm. We are delighted to be holding this event in person and look forward to welcoming you and your daughter. Making decisions about the future is an important part of the educational journey for students and we do hope that you will be able to join us.

    To read more please click here

  • Assessment Fortnight 1

    I am writing to draw your attention to the upcoming Assessment Fortnight for Year 8 from Tuesday 9 January to Friday 19 January 2024.

    As part of our monitoring and tracking all students at Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form undergo two formal assessment periods each academic year. Our rationale for having Assessment Fortnights is to ensure that we are able to accurately assess our students and identify and address areas where knowledge and skills need strengthening. Additionally, this gives students practice in the Lower School with revising and planning for assessments in both practical and academic subjects.

    Where possible, subjects will set one assessment during lessons across this period. Students will be asked to spend some time revising for this assessment in advance and may be set meaningful revision tasks to complete for homework. This assessment pattern will continue for students through their time in school and data will be shared with families once assessments have been marked and moderated. Assessments will take place during lessons and will be sat in classrooms. If necessary, reasonable adjustments will be made and this will be discussed with the class teacher and the student.

    Please click here to read more

  • As we come to the end of the first half term of Year 8, I firstly want to introduce myself formally to you all as your daughter’s new Head of Year. My name is Richard Thorne and I am extremely excited to be working with such a hard-working, motivated and well-behaved group of students.

    Please click here to open ‘Year 8 Autumn Update’.pdf

  • Dear Parent/Guardian,

    Your child’s annual flu vaccination is now due. This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu. Please click here to open the full letter ‘TGS Parent Flu Letter’.pdf

  • On our first Whole School Curriculum Day, the History Department are planning an educational visit to the Tower of London for all Year 8 students. This will take place on Thursday 16 November 2023. We will be leaving school at approximately 8.45am and will return to school by approximately 3.00–3.30pm, depending on traffic. Please click here to open the full letter ‘Year 8 - Visit to the Tower of London’.pdf

  • We are delighted to welcome your daughter back to school this week and hope that she is well rested and looking forward to the academic journey ahead. Please find some key information below to support your daughter in making her return as smooth as possible this week.

    Please click here to open ‘Year 8-11 Welcome Back to Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form’.pdf

  • On Thursday 25 May 2023 Year 8 will be off-timetable and will be taking part in wider curriculum experiences led by the History and Design & Technology departments.

    The History department will be taking tutor groups Opal, Pearl, Sapphire and Topaz (OPST) while the Design & Technology department will be taking Amethyst, Emerald, Garnet and Jade (AEGJ).

    Click here to open 'Year 8 WSCD May 2023 - History and Design & Technology'

  • We are writing to invite you to the Year 8 Virtual Parents Evening on Tuesday 7 March 2023 from 3.30pm until 6.15pm. During this evening, you will have the opportunity to meet virtually with a selection of your daughter’s subject teachers to discuss her work, attitude and progress.

    Click here to open 'Year 8 Virtual Parents Evening - Tuesday 7 March 2023'

  • On Tuesday 14 March 2023, Year 8 will be off-timetable and will be taking part in wider curriculum experiences led by the History and Design & Technology Departments.

    The History Department will be taking Tutor Groups Amethyst, Emerald, Garnet and Jade (AEGJ), while Design & Technology will be taking Opal, Pearl, Sapphire and Topaz (OPST). On our final Whole School Curriculum Day, this will reverse so that all Year 8 students will get to experience the activities being provided.

    Click here to open 'Year 8 - History and Design & Technology'

  • We are looking forward to welcoming you tomorrow evening for our GCSE Subject & Careers Fair from 6.00pm until 8.00pm. The evening will commence at 6.00pm and there will be a presentation in the Theatre at 6.10pm, which will be repeated at 7.10pm. We are expecting large numbers for the first presentation, therefore where possible, we encourage families to attend the 7.10pm talk visiting the Careers Fair and subject teachers first.

    Click here to open 'GCSE Subjects Letter 3'

  • Over the past few weeks in school Year 8 students have been participating in our GCSE Subject presentations led by subject specialists learning about all the subjects available to them in Year 9. It has been lovely to see students engage in discussions and ask thoughtful and relevant questions.

    Click here to open 'GCSE Subjects Letter 2'

  • Your daughter has now reached an important stage of her education, and from September 2023, she will be embarking on her GCSE qualifications.

    At Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form, we believe that commencing GCSE subjects in Year 9 allows our students the opportunity to develop greater depth and understanding in their examination subjects.

    Click here to open 'Year 8 Options Letter'

  • We hope your daughters’ first art lessons of the term have been exciting. This year, your daughter will have the chance to explore painting and drawing with a broad range of media in art, as well as hand embroidery in textiles and working with clay in ceramics.

    click here to open ‘Annual Studio Fee and Recommended Materials.pdf’

  • Dear Parent/Carer

    The School Immunisation Team are awaiting guidance from NHS England as to the details of the flu programme for years 7 to 9. Currently the earliest date we have been given to begin is the 5th December 2022.

    As soon as we hear more about the programme we will be in touch via your Child's school.

    Children with an underlying health issues remain eligible to receive a flu vaccination at their GP.

    For more information, please click here