• We are writing to invite you to the Year 10 Parent/Student Virtual Consultation Evening on

    Tuesday 4 June 2024 from 3.30pm until 6.15pm. During this evening, you will have the opportunity to meet virtually with a selection of your daughter’s subject teachers to discuss her work, attitude and progress.

    Please click here for more information

    Please click here for guide

  • In Year 11, your daughter will be applying for her Post-16 options. There is a wide range of choices such as:

    • Sixth forms

    • Colleges

    • Apprenticeship or work-based learning

    • A levels, T levels, BTECs and NVQs

    The decision about the next step in education is an important one, and therefore to outline the choices available, we are holding an information evening on Tuesday 2 July at 6.00pm.

    Please click here for more information

  • On Tuesday 21 May 2024 your daughter will be in school experiencing a range of taster lessons for

    level 3 subjects (A-level and BTEC) that they may choose to take when they move on to Year 12.

    Our aim is to inspire them to start to think about the important decisions that they will need to

    make about sixth form applications which are submitted during the autumn term of Year 11.

    Students will attend four level 3 lessons of their choice during the day, with a fifth session in the sixth form study area.

    Please click here to read more

  • I am writing to advise you of two post-16 direction events we are running for your daughter.

    The first of these events is a level 3 Subject Fair which will take place in school on Monday 29 April 2024 from 2.40pm to 3.30pm. Students will have the opportunity to explore A-level and BTEC options with teaching staff.

    After the subject fair, students will be asked to pick four level 3 lessons of their choice. If you would like to discuss subject options with your daughter, information can be found in our course booklet.

    Please click here for more information

  • On Wednesday 13 March 2024 the Religious Studies Department will be leading the Year 10 Whole School Curriculum Day (WSCD) event.

    Students will be engaging in a range of workshops with each designed to support and supplement GCSE subject knowledge and skills. We are writing to let you know that one workshop will involve students walking to Hook Evangelical Church, Brook Road, Surbiton KT6 5DB. Staff will accompany students and be available to them throughout their time out of school.

    Please click here for more information

  • Dear Parent/Guardian,

    Your child’s annual flu vaccination is now due. This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu. Please click here to open ‘TGS Parent Flu School Letter’.pdf

  • We are delighted to welcome your daughter back to school this week and hope that she is well rested and looking forward to the academic journey ahead. Please find some key information below to support your daughter in making her return as smooth as possible this week.

    Please click here to open ‘Year 8-11 Welcome Back to Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form’.pdf

  • As you will no doubt be aware, this coming year your daughter is not only working towards her vital GCSE and BTEC qualifications, but will also be planning the next steps in her career journey. To ensure you have up to date information to support your daughter with this decision making process, we would like to invite you to our Post Sixteen Options Evening. You will be able to hear from our Sixth Form staff, a local college and gather information regarding apprenticeships and traineeships.

    Click here to open 'Year 10 Post Sixteen Options Evening'

  • We are writing to invite you to the Year 10 Parent/Student Consultation Evening on Tuesday 6 June 2023 from 3.30pm until 6.15pm. During this evening, you will have the opportunity to meet virtually with a selection of your daughter’s subject teachers to discuss her work, attitude and progress.

    Click here to open 'Year 10 Virtual Parents Evening - Tuesday 6 June 2023'

  • On Thursday 25 May 2023 your daughter will be in school experiencing a range of taster lessons for level 3 subjects (A-level and BTEC) that they may choose to take when they move on to Year 12.

    Our aim is to inspire them to start to think about the important decisions that they will need to make about sixth form applications which are submitted during the autumn term of Year 11. Students will attend four level 3 lessons of their choice during the day, with a fifth session in the sixth form study area.

    Click here to open Year 10 WSCD - Sixth Form Taster Day 04.05.2022'

  • On Tuesday 14 March 2023, the Religious Studies Department will be leading the Year 10 Whole School Curriculum Day (WSCD) event.

    Click here to open 'Year 10 WSCD - Religious Studies Workshops'

  • As part of the next Whole School Curriculum Day, your daughter will be taking part in a cross-curricular day, combining IT and English skills and content. On this day the normal timetable will be suspended to allow students the opportunity to explore and deepen their learning in a particular aspect of the curriculum.

    Click here to open 'Year 10 WSCD - English & IT Cross Curricular'