Governing Board
Welcome to the Governors’ page of the Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form website.
Making decisions collectively, governors support and challenge the Academy leadership team, monitor the quality of teaching and the progress of school improvement, and oversee behaviour and safety. They also closely monitor the Academy’s finances.
Acting as “critical friend” governors should not involve themselves directly in operational matters, which are the responsibility of the Headteacher and her Senior Leadership Team. The governors’ role is primarily strategic.
To assist in performing their role, governors will attend relevant training courses. The majority of these are run by the local authority and are designed to be governor need specific. During their induction period, new governors are allocated a dedicated mentor from the existing governing board to facilitate their integration. Andrew Perks - Chair of Governors
Anyone wishing to contact the Governors can do so via the Clerk, Mrs A Williams:
The governing body of Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form (TGS) is comprised of elected parents, academy staff, and representatives from the local community with specialist skills and experience. As volunteers, governors receive no payment for their work and are expected to adhere to a formal Code of Conduct. Their term of office is normally four years.
The Academy has four Members, of whom three are non-Governor Members:
Charles Grieve (Chair of Finance, Assets & Audit committee) - appointed by the Members (January 20)
Matthew Sossick - appointed by the Members (January 22)
John Azah - appointed by the Members (January 22)
Caroline Ramsden – appointed by the Members (February 2025)
are the subscribers to the memorandum of association (where they are founding members);
may amend the articles of association subject to any restrictions created by the funding agreement or charity law;
may, in certain circumstances, appoint new members or remove existing members;
have powers to appoint and remove Trustees;
may, by special resolution, issue direction to the Trustees to take a specific action;
appoint the Trust’s auditors and receive the audited annual accounts; and have power to change the Trust’s name.
The Academy Trust has considered whether there are any individuals or legal entities that have significant control over the charitable company.
The Trust currently has four members with equal voting rights. This means that each member holds less than 25% of the member voting rights, therefore does not have any people with significant control over the company.
There are at present no legal entities which have significant control over the company.
Mrs A Williams
Clerk to Governors/Company Secretary
What do governors and trustees do?
The governing body operates at a strategic level leaving the Headteacher and senior leaders responsible and accountable for the operational every day running of the school.
Please refer to the National Governance Association (NGA) for more information:
The governing body have three key functions:
Overseeing the financial performance of the academy and making sure its money is well spent
Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
Committee Structure 2024-2025
Please click here to open 'Committee Structure 2024-2025'.pdf