Sixth Form Policies
All Tolworth Sixth Form students are required to follow the policies outlined below. Please ensure you read through these policies carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your Head of Year.
Click here for more information
Sixth Form students are expected to be dressed appropriately for school, as we would expect from lower school students on a mufti day. Whilst they are not expected to wear formal office wear, they should look neat and presentable, as they would for a casual job.
General guidelines
• All TGS students must wear their lanyard at all times – this is the only compulsory uniform item for Sixth Formers
• Coats/jackets should be removed whilst in lessons
• Make-up is permitted but should be moderate and natural in appearance
• Jewellery and/or a watch may be worn unless safety reasons prevent this from being possible. Items of valuable personal jewellery worn at school and subsequently lost or damaged will not be replaced or repaired by the school.
• For male students, a clean-shaven appearance should be maintained. Where an established beard or moustache exists, it should be maintained in a neat, tidy and consistent fashion.
• Good personal hygiene should be maintained at all times.
• Students should not be wearing the following at school:
• Excessively ripped jeans
• Low-hanging trousers or jeans
• Thin ‘see-through’ leggings
• Short crop tops which show the stomach
• Strappy or low-cut tops
• Short miniskirts, dresses or short cycling shorts (students should follow the same guidelines as with the TGS uniform skirts).
• Any thin item of clothing which allows the underwear to be seen through it
• Clothing bearing offensive wording, logos or images
• Open sandals or excessively high heels that present a high risk to personal safety
• Excessive facial jewellery is not permitted
Dress code infringements
• Any teacher/staff member is within their rights to challenge students who are not dressed appropriately for school.
• If a student is not following the dress code, the teacher/staff member will make contact with the student’s tutor or Head of Year to inform them of the issue.
• If the student is not able to rectify the situation (by putting on a jumper, changing, etc.) and the teacher/staff member feels it is necessary, the Sixth Form team will decide whether the student needs to be sent home to change and the student’s parents/carers will be notified of the issue.
Sixth Form Head Students - 2024
At the beginning of 2024 Summer Term, we invited Year 12 students to apply for a Head Student Leadership Roles. Out of 50 applicants we shortlisted down to 6 students and gave them various tasks, assemblies to present in and a rigorous interview with the Headteacher Mrs. Botha-Smith and our Head of Sixth Form Mr. Rhead. They were all absolutely brilliant and made our decision incredibly hard.
Head Students: Sabi and Jacob
Deputy Head Students: Ellie and George
Assistant Head Students: Kristina and Ridhima
From left to right: Kristina, Ridhima, Ellie, Sabi, Jacob, George