Curriculum at Tolworth Girls' School & Sixth Form
At Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form, our school motto of “Let your light so shine” is at the forefront of everything we do. We provide the best education and pastoral care to enable our students to be the very best they can be.
We recognise the potential of every individual through our inclusive and ambitious curriculum, living by our ABC ethos:
· Aim high – students are ambitious and there are no limitations as to what they can achieve
· Be brave – students are resilient and have “can do” attitudes
· Create positivity – students embrace opportunities, show kindness, and have fun!
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, which enables our students to develop an understanding and appreciation of a variety of subjects. We believe that it is important that our students experience subjects that will prepare them fully for the challenges of the 21st century. We are equally committed to developing students’ skills such as leadership, communication, enquiry, resilience, teamwork, creativity, independence and collaboration, as we are in developing academic achievement. The purpose of our curriculum is to prepare students for the opportunities and the responsibilities of life in modern Britain. At Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form we aim for our curriculum to be ambitious and inclusive so that our students succeed. It is knowledge rich and complemented by our PSHCE programme and a diverse enrichment calendar.
The curriculum vision is designed so that the curriculum in all subjects:
• Is sequenced – clearly setting out how knowledge links to prior and future learning
• Is scaffolded- so that there are clearly identified and clear curriculum milestones linked to the assessment process
• Is inclusive - carefully builds the knowledge, skills and understanding needed for all students
• Allows students to be aware of and appreciate cross curricular links
• Allows students to retain and retrieve key elements of their learning journey
• Is highly ambitious and adapted to our local context
KS3 Curriculum (Foundation Curriculum)
Our KS3 curriculum is delivered across years 7 and 8, building on the knowledge and skills founded at KS2. It has been mapped against the National Curriculum to ensure that students acquire essential knowledge and skills across a broad range of subjects. The sequencing of our provision has been carefully planned to enable knowledge to build over time so that students are able to deepen and apply it masterfully.
At Tolworth Girls' School & Sixth Form, our challenging curriculum exceeds the National Curriculum through the inclusion of additional subjects such as Drama, Dance and Oracy to support students’ mental health and knowledge of the world around them. We provide a diverse curriculum that both represents our student body and offers insight into other ways of thinking and experiencing the world around us. Students who require additional support are able to catch up through teachers’ ability to adapt their provision alongside interventions led by our Inclusion team. The aim of our KS3 curriculum is to build on prior knowledge and prepare students for their next steps and successes at KS4 and beyond.
KS4 Curriculum (Development Curriculum)
At Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form, we believe that commencing GCSE subjects in Year 9 allows our students the opportunity to develop greater depth and understanding in their examination subjects. All students study core subjects of English Language & Literature, Maths, Trilogy (Combined GCSEs) or Triple Science (Separate GCSEs), and RS. Students must choose a Humanities subject of either Geography or History and should also aim to include a practical subject. For their third choice, students should give strong consideration to taking a language. Students who speak a foreign language at home are also invited to sit an additional GCSE in this language where available.
We also recognise the need to keep a broad and balanced curriculum and all students will continue to be taught a range of non-examined subjects, including PE, PSHCE, Life, and, in year 9, a carousel of enrichment subjects including: Computing, STEAM, Musical Theatre, and Mandarin.
Our academic and pastoral curriculum work together to support students to maintain ambitious, attainable outcomes that build on their prior learning and enable them to access the KS5 qualifications they need for future career aspirations.
KS5 Curriculum
Through our enrolment process and transition support, students are supported to make the right KS5 choices for them and their next steps. We offer a range of courses including A levels and BTECs, enabling students to progress regardless of their starting point. This offer includes Maths and English GCSE classes and a wealth of provision to enrich their experience in the sixth form.
All students in year 13 complete their EPQ which builds vital skills for their adult life. In addition, students are able to develop their leadership skills, for example through our student leadership body, supporting lower school students, and taking part in CSLA (Community Sports Leadership Award). Our Future Directions guidance is proactive, creating groups and provision that guides students through their options, for example inspiring and supporting students to apply for apprenticeships and Oxbridge.
We provide a broad and rich enrichment offer for students from KS3 – 5 and actively encourage all students to engage with these opportunities that extend knowledge and skills beyond the classroom and subject offering. It is an invaluable part of our school life.
Our enrichment takes place during the school day and after school, with a wide range to choose from. For example, we offer LAMDA classes, chess club, cricket, Q club, Wimbledon Ball Girls, and Harry Potter club. In addition to this, we curate further enrichment opportunities with external agencies and projects, inviting students to take part in BBC School Report, Jack Petchey Speak Out, and workshops with visiting authors to name but a few. We are also members of the ISSP programme which supports our HA students.
In addition to school-based clubs and activities, we offer various out of school enrichment opportunities including Theatre trips, Ski trip, Duke of Edinburgh, Normandy, Washington, university visits, museum visits and more. Trips and educational visits are regular events, and we support our disadvantaged students to attend these where necessary.
Tutor Time / Pastoral Provision
Our pastoral provision is at the heart of everything we do at TGS. Our strong pastoral team works with the school community to ensure that students are monitored and supported through their time here so that they are able to leave TGS with personal skills and academic outcomes that will enable them to move to the next level of their education.
Each student has a dedicated form tutor whom they see on a daily basis during tutorial time. Here, the tutor group follow a carefully planned schedule of learning activities that allow them the time to develop their understanding of the wider world and their own personal development. Tutorial time includes year group assemblies, Wonder Week activities, Reading Reimagined, current affairs, careers education, academic mentoring, priorities and themes of development for the year group (such as leadership skills, resilience, and confidence) and also celebrating students' successes.
It is vital that our students have the knowledge, skills and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. Our tutorial programme, PSHCE curriculum, pastoral care and interventions are just some of the ways that we ensure we are providing a holistic educational experience for all our students so we can nurture them to fulfil their true potential.
Whole School Curriculum Days & Wonder Weeks
To further enrich and deepen our students’ experiences at all key stages, we have Whole School Curriculum Days that involve off-timetable opportunities that extend learning. These include trips, cross-curricular projects, and guided independent research and visits.
For example, we organise trips to the Tower of London (y8), Wisley Gardens (y7), and a local Church (y10). We also arrange for external speakers, like Colin Stuart, an astronomy author (y9), and offer experiences like a Flamenco lesson (y7).
In order to continuously enhance our students’ knowledge about the world around them, we also have themed Wonder Weeks across the calendar that inspire assemblies, enrichment activities and healthy dialogue around global issues. For example, Pride week, Digital Citizen week, Plastic Free July, and Language week are some of the themes we cover.
At Tolworth Girls’ school we pride ourselves on being a truly inclusive academy. Every student matters, whatever their ability may be, and our staff are always eager and enthusiastic in supporting all students to reach their full potential. Our highly skilled SEND department work closely with parents/carers to ensure the most appropriate support is in place for all those who may require further input from staff in reaching their goals. We individualise the work we do with our students to support their progress and development, and our Inclusion department provides a nurturing environment and targeted support for those students in need of additional support.
We maintain an ambitious curriculum for all students and carefully monitor and identify those students in need of additional, targeted support within school and from external agencies. These includes programmes such as: Paired Reading, IDL Literacy and Numeracy interventions, Social Thinking groups all offered in line with the needs of the cohort. At TGS, students with SEND will:
· Have access to a full and enriching curriculum offer
· Receive quality first teaching and adaptive teaching strategies to meet the needs of our students
· Be a part of our inclusive and supportive school community
Teaching & Learning / Implementation
Our carefully designed curriculum is delivered through high quality teaching. We embed challenge across the curriculum and our skilled staff implement this carefully, for example through questioning, high expectations for all, and regular feedback. Promoting oracy and using a wide repertoire of assessment tools are key to enable student progress.
We follow a curated CPD cycle including theory & research-based staff training, coaching trios, reflecting and sharing good practice in departments. Regular opportunities to learn from colleagues and attend external opportunities are built into the calendar to prioritise continuous refinement and development of our outstanding provision and pedagogy.
Curriculum hours per fortnight over a two-week timetable
Impact of Curriculum
We regularly monitor the impact of our curriculum through a range of robust processes.
In lessons, assessment as learning, for learning, and of learning provides opportunities to gather qualitative and quantitative data on student progress. As a result of this, staff can adapt their teaching to fill in any gaps in learning and to support students address misconceptions, deepen knowledge and build on previous learning.
Our quality assurance processes involve work samples and lesson samples, led by Subject leaders with the support of SLT. This involves half-termly learning walks and reviewing work of students. The aim of these is to ensure that the curriculum is being delivered effectively according to the curriculum intent and that students’ work captures their learning journeys over time. We also schedule Deep Dives which are a collaborative process, working with the Subject Leader to identify areas of strength and areas that need to be developed. Our appraisal process further supports this as staff are observed twice a year by their appraiser. We also have regular Quality Assurance Reviews through work with Challenge Partners.
Student voice is also used to measure impact. We have a student council team, conduct student questionnaires, and speak to students in focus groups.