Extra Curricular Clubs and Enrichment Activities
Enrichment Timetable: Spring 2025
Please find below the Enrichment Timetable for the Spring term. Your child will be able to find more information on Teams or from their Form Tutor.
As a school we value the opportunities extra-curricular activities offer and we would very much like your child to involve themself in the life of the school beyond attendance at lessons.
Consequently, we present a variety of activities to engage your child's interest. You will notice that some activities are free and some incur a small charge. This is in the case for the activities being run by outside groups and where the materials need to be purchased.
LAMDA Tuition at Tolworth Girls School
Tolworth Girls School have teamed up with South Side Theatre Academy (www.southsidetheatre.com) in Surbiton to run our LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) tuition enrichment programme for all years!
LAMDA is the UK’s largest Speech and Drama board and a nationally recognised qualification in communication and performance, which is why we feel they are an important element of a full education. LAMDA exams are about achievement – recognising and rewarding the endeavours of each individual – but they are also about empowerment.
You can find out more about the tuition sessions below or to enrol please email info@southsidetheatre.com.
A LAMDA exam is the speech and drama equivalent of a music grade, which begin at basic levels and culminates at Grade 8. The exams use performance to develop self-confidence, physical presence and a strong speaking voice. Students will also learn the theory of the given subject they are studying as part of the process of working towards a practical examination. And can be converted into UCAS points when applying for university, with a distinction at Grade 8 the equivalent of a C grade at A Level in terms of UCAS points.
Exams can be taken in a variety of performance syllabi, listed below, with classes taking place throughout the week, during school hours. Sessions will last for 30 minutes and will be on a fortnightly rotation to ensure students don’t miss the same lesson every week.
LAMDA lessons are taught by LAMDA specialists, some of whom are examiners as well, offering individual, paired or small group weekly tuition. LAMDA lessons last 30 minutes and will run weekly from the start of October.
Tolworth Girls offers a wide range of LAMDA tuition syllabuses and pupils can take a range of different exams over the course of their LAMDA tuition at Tolworth.
Speaking Verse & Prose
Designed to develop the skills necessary for effective communication of novels and poetry. Develops a strong speaking voice and memory skills. Designed for individual candidates.
Developing acting skills required for communicating character and context. Developing a strong, expressive speaking voice and good memory skills by learning and performing monologues and duologues. Designed for solo, duologue or group performances.
Devising Drama
Developing creativity by exploring ideas and themes through drama, and realising them through devised dramatic performances. Designed for solo, duo or group performances.
Gaining an understanding of non-verbal communication by exploring physicality and movement, and putting it into a dramatic performance. Designed for solo or duo performances.
Public Speaking
Developing essential skills for constructing and delivering talks, presentations and speeches. Designed for individual candidates.
Reading for Performance
Developing a recital around a theme of the pupil’s choice and developing an introduction, links and a conclusion to tie it all together. Prose and verse selections do not need to be learnt. Designed for individual candidates
Musical Theatre
Depending on the grade, pupils perform contrasting musical pieces of their choice, as well as a short devised introductions in character and a monologue, with the emphasis on performing through song. Designed for solo, duos or groups.
Preparation for examinations is offered for Grades 1 – 8 in all performance and communication options and no prior experience is necessary. The LAMDA teacher will decide which grade and exam is suitable for a pupil and will build on any previous examinations taken or relevant acting experience. UCAS points are attached to Level 3 qualifications – Grades 6, 7, 8 which are awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold medals respectively.
Solo – 30 minute £20
Paired – 30 minute £24 (covers both students)
(Fees are billed termly. Other payment plan options available)
Please note that LAMDA teachers are employed based on demand and that a full term’s notice in writing must be given to withdraw a pupil. These lessons are a serious commitment on the part of both parent, teacher and pupil, with expectations of pupils to practise and do any preparation or research the teacher deems appropriate to set them out of lessons.
The pupil will not be charged for any lesson where the teacher is not present. Pupils are liable for the cost of any lessons that they miss through illness or other commitments. This includes any additional school commitments, including sports fixtures, which occur after the timetabling of lessons. In exceptional circumstances, a teacher may, at their discretion and only if possible within their timetable, reschedule a lesson if they have been given advance notice of an unavoidable absence. It is the responsibility of the student to inform teachers in advance of any lessons they miss and to catch up on work.
Tuition may be requested at any time during a pupils’ school career by emailing info@southsidetheatre.com. Where a request cannot be immediately accommodated, the pupil’s name will be added to a waiting list and they will be offered tuition at the earliest possible opportunity.
A full term’s notice must be given in writing. There is no need to reapply for lessons each year as it will be assumed the student is continuing unless we have had a term’s notice.
If you require further information or have any questions, please contact us at info@southsidetheatre.com.