Sixth Form Admissions
Tolworth Sixth Form stands out for its diverse study pathways. Students have the option to pursue an A Level pathway, consisting of three A Level subjects, a fully vocational pathway with three vocational subjects such as BTECs, or a hybrid pathway combining both A Level and vocational subjects.
We offer a wide selection of subjects at Key Stage 5, including both A Levels and BTEC Level 3 qualifications. Detailed information about each course, including curriculum specifics, can be found in our course booklet.
Closing date for all applications has now passed. Please email
Our outstanding academic success, both A-Levels and Vocational
The exceptional personal support and guidance we offer our students
Our committed specialist tutors, teachers and welfare support staff
Our efforts to ensure each and every student achieves his or her full potential
“Strengths in delivering the curriculum extend to the sixth form and across the range of subjects on offer. This is because teachers have strong subject knowledge, which is further extended through the the many opportunities for professional development” Ofsted 2023
Tolworth Girls’ School Sixth Form Learning Agreement
Applicants who are currently studying abroad may be required to evidence comparability, prior to confirmation of enrolment onto a study programme. The school will require an additional entrance test to be passed.
Where a student qualifies for a study programme but has not achieved a grade 4 in GCSE English Language, Literature, or Maths, it is a government requirement that a resit in these subjects forms part of the study programme.
Students entering the Sixth Form are not considered to be on-roll until they have completed an induction period at the start of the first term. This is to ensure that students are on suitable courses and that their approach suggests that they will be successful.
The school will need to be sure of an applicant’s suitability to access to a full-time Level 3 programme. Once on the course students are required to continue to demonstrate suitability by meeting a minimum level of expected performance in lessons and assessments.
If students fail to demonstrate their suitability, they will be supported to change their options to a more appropriate choice of subject within the first month.
Assessments take place regularly within the 6 form, students must maintain a minimum standard of performance to ensure they will be entered for public examinations.