Sixth Form Admissions

Tolworth Sixth Form stands out for its diverse study pathways. Students have the option to pursue an A Level pathway, consisting of three A Level subjects, a fully vocational pathway with three vocational subjects such as BTECs, or a hybrid pathway combining both A Level and vocational subjects.

We offer a wide selection of subjects at Key Stage 5, including both A Levels and BTEC Level 3 qualifications. Detailed information about each course, including curriculum specifics, can be found in our course booklet.

For enquiries for September 2024 enrolment, please email

  • To apply for our Sixth Form for September 2025, please revisit this site in September 2024 for more details to follow.

    If you would like to discuss enrolment for September 2024, please email .

  • Our outstanding academic success, both A-Levels and Vocational

    The exceptional personal support and guidance we offer our students

    Our committed specialist tutors, teachers and welfare support staff

    Our efforts to ensure each and every student achieves his or her full potential

    “Strengths in delivering the curriculum extend to the sixth form and across the range of subjects on offer. This is because teachers have strong subject knowledge, which is further extended through the the many opportunities for professional development” Ofsted 2023

  • Tolworth Girls’ School Sixth Form Conduct Charter

    Three Simple Rules

    1. I will use my abilities and efforts to produce the best work I can.

    2. I will be considerate, co-operative and supportive towards staff, students & visitors.

    3. I will help keep the school a pleasant, effective and orderly place in which to learn.

    To use my abilities and efforts to produce the best work I can.

    I must:

    • Attend school every day on time.

    • Arrive on time for lessons, with the necessary books and appropriate equipment.

    • Listen carefully when required.

    • Sit in the seat allocated by my teacher and do not leave it without permission.

    • Fully complete the work set to the highest possible standard.

    • Ask for help when I need it and wait patiently if the teacher is busy.

    • Accept both praise and constructive criticism towards improving my work

    • Complete homework and hand it in on time. If I cannot do it, ask my teachers for help as soon as

    possible and accept help outside of usual lesson time.

    To be considerate, co-operative and supportive towards staff, students & visitors.

    I must:

    • Follow the instructions given by school staff.

    • Avoid confrontation with staff and Students.

    • Take responsibility to discuss any concerns with my teachers, Tutor or Head of Year.

    • Do nothing to hurt others through word or action. If I see this happening to others I will tell a teacher.

    • Bring appropriate equipment to school; nothing that might cause harm or damage.

    • Contribute to the best of my ability when working in groups.

    • Be tolerant and supportive of others in difficulty.

    • Appreciate the achievement of others.

    • Show courtesy to others and avoid using inappropriate language or conduct.

    • Follow all instructions from members of staff without argument.

    • Attend detentions and co-operate with any consequences of poor behaviour.

    • Keep my mobile phone switched off and out of sight when outside of the Sixth Form Common Room

    To help keep the school a pleasant, effective and orderly place in which to learn.

    I must:

    • Respect the school building, furniture, equipment and resources.

    • Follow the school’s E - Safety and ICT acceptable usage policies.

    • Respect the school environment and not cause any damage or deface any surface or display.

    • Never use the green emergency buttons to leave the buildings. Fines will be in place.

    • Walk quietly, calmly and safely in the corridors and on the stairs, keeping to the left when possible.

    • Follow the up and down signs on the stairs.

    • Wait sensibly outside classrooms until admitted by a member of staff.

    • Follow the rules about use of the playgrounds and out of bounds areas.

    • Wear appropriate clothing as listed in behaviour guidance.

    • Bring only the personal property I need. I must not bring valuable items to school.

    • Not wear headphones when moving around the school.

    • Only consume food and drink at times and in areas allowed. Chewing gum is not permitted.

    • Not smoke, consume or be in possession of intoxicating or dangerous substances.

    • Dispose of litter properly, in the bins provided.

    • Tap in and out of school when going off site.

    • Be polite and considerate towards people living near the school and those I meet on the way to and from school.

  • The following criteria apply to all students intending to study Post-16:

    The minimum entry requirement for Tolworth Sixth Form is 5 GCSE grades 9 - 4 or equivalents.

    Applications will be processed in order of arrival with a closing date of the second Friday in January.

    Existing Tolworth Girls' School students will have priority over external applicants. We will accept a minimum of 25 appropriately qualified students from external academic institutions in each cohort.

    Students will only be admitted into Tolworth Sixth Form if:

    A suitable course is available for them that is appropriate and meets their needs;

    They are on a full-time course (comprises of a minimum of either a Level 2 Diploma or Cache course, three A-levels or a BTEC Double Award. The A-levels can be combined to create a full-time course. Two A-Level courses and a GCSE re-sit course does not constitute a full time course.)

    They meet the minimum course requirements for their intended programme of study. These are as follows:

    Level 2 courses:

    The minimum entry criteria is 5 GCSE grades 9 - 1 or equivalents, students should be fluent in written and spoken English and have followed GCSE courses during Year 11.

    Students who have not achieved a grade 4 in GCSE Mathematics and/or English Language will be expected to attend GCSE re-sit courses in these subjects.

    Level 3 courses - BTEC National / Certificate

    Students should have a minimum of 4, 9 - 4 grades at GCSE (not equivalents), to follow a course leading to an equivalent Double A level Award.

    AS Level courses

    Students should have a minimum of 5, 9 - 4 grades at GCSE (not equivalents) including English Language.

    Those with 7 or more 9 - 4 grades should study 4 A-Levels levels whilst those with 5 or 6 9 - 4 grades should focus on 3 A-Levels.

    Students should also have a minimum of a 4 grade in the subjects that they wish to study. In addition to this, some subjects have specific entry requirements as detailed in the prospectus.

    In exceptional circumstances, students who achieve less than this may continue into Year 13 and start A-Level study at the Director of Sixth Form's discretion.

    These 'exceptional circumstances' are likely to include situations in which students achieve significantly less than their predicted grades at A-Level due to mitigating factors.

    The requirement for students to be on a full time course in Year 13 applies in the same way as in Year 12.

    Students transferring to Tolworth Sixth Form at the end of Year 12 from other institutions will be subject to the usual criteria for 'external' students (see below). In addition to this they will also need to discuss whether the syllabus and the structure of their previous programme of study has prepared them appropriately for A-Level study at Tolworth Sixth Form with the Director of Sixth Form.

    Other Admissions

    In special circumstances, it may be possible for a student to retake Year 12. This step will only be considered if students have a good attendance record or if there are exceptional mitigating circumstances. All decisions will be at the discretion of the Director of Sixth Form and will only be agreed after careful consideration.

  • All of the criteria detailed above apply to all students.

    All external students will be made an offer of a place in at Tolworth Sixth Form on the basis of a satisfactory reference from their previous academic institution and following a discussion about their suitability with a member of the Tolworth Sixth Form management team.

  • An offer of a place at Tolworth Sixth Form is not a guarantee that a student will be admitted into Tolworth Sixth Form or that courses that were discussed at interview or indicated on a student’s application form will be available. An offer is subject to:

    • A satisfactory reference being provided by the student’s previous school or college;

    • That the student's behaviour does not subsequently seriously contravene their school’s behaviour policy;

    • A successful interview with a member of the Tolworth Sixth Form management team

    • Students achieving the appropriate grades in GCSE examinations to be eligible to study the courses indicated on their application form and agreed at interview;

    • Successful completion of the 'Induction Period' (section 7);

    • The availability of places on appropriate courses at the time that a student enrols.

  • Students entering the Sixth Form are not considered to be on-roll until they have completed an induction period at the start of the first term. This is to ensure that students are on suitable courses and that their approach suggests that they will be successful.