• The Parent and Friends Association (PFA) warmly invite you to join us at our next virtual meeting. Join us on Thursday 27 June 2024 at 7.00pm to 8.00pm, to learn more about the PFA and our upcoming opportunities.

    Please click here for more information

  • We hope students are enjoying their time at Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form. We at the Parents and Friends Association (PFA) want to thank you for your support with our activities and highlight the incredible impact your involvement can have on our school.

    The PFA is a dedicated group of parents and carers who work tirelessly to support students and the school community. We would not be able to achieve all that we do without the incredible teamwork and shared passion of our members.

    Please click here for more information

  • Following on from previous years’ highly successful Sports Day at Weir Archer Athletics and Fitness Centre, we are returning there once again for our annual Sports Day. Sports day is a whole school event and will take place at Wier Archer Athletics Stadium, 422a Kingston Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames KT1 3PB. This is a compulsory day for all students in Years 7 to 10.

    Please click here to read more

  • Please be aware that in school we are experiencing an increase in the number of students visiting First Aid. Our First Aiders are available throughout the school day, including break and lunchtime, to attend to any emergency requiring First Aid.

    Please click here for more information

  • I am writing to provide you with additional information about the new systems that we are introducing with our new catering company Harrison's.

    As you are aware, we are adding a new biometric facial recognition system to the existing biometric fingerprint that we have been using since 2013. Naturally, there have been some concerns raised about this and I am writing to reassure you and explain our rationale for taking this step.

    Please click here to read more information

  • On Monday 4 March 2024 we sent a letter introducing our new catering provider, Harrison Catering. As mentioned in the previous letter, one of the criteria for the tender process was to improve the service time for our students and staff. To this end, we are having an overhaul of our current biometric setup to now include biometric facial recognition, as well as the existing biometric fingerprint.

    Please click here to open the full letter

  • Following on from a competitive catering tender, we are pleased to announce that the chosen supplier is Harrison Catering.

    The contract will commence on Monday 1 April 2024 and some exciting changes to the menus and offers will be introduced. These will be available to view on the school website the week commencing Monday 25 March 2024.

    Please click here to read more

    Click here to view the menu

    Parent Welcome

  • I hope this letter finds you well. I would like to thank the families that have provided feedback in relation to our School Behaviour Policy. We appreciate the valuable feedback we have received from parents, students and staff.

    At Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form (TGS), our primary focus is to create a safe, supportive, purposeful and positive learning environment that is inclusive for all, enabling teachers to teach and students to learn. We take great pride in being an outstanding school where the exemplary behaviour of our students is often commented on by visitors.

    Please click here to read more

  • The Charlie Waler Trust is offering free webinars on supporting mental health in children and young people. These are for anyone who looks after children and young people - parents, carers, educators - as well as young people themselves.

    Please click here for more information

  • Tickets for our eagerly anticipated school production of Bugsy Malone are now on sale via the following link: www.ticketsource.co.uk/tolworthgirlsschool.

    The students have been working incredibly hard in rehearsals since the beginning of the academic year and we are looking forward to curtains up in a few weeks! The performances are from Monday 5 February to Wednesday 7 February 2024 at The Act Theatre, Kingston College.

    Please click here to read more

  • Dear Parent/Carer

    Happy New Year!

    I hope you and your family have enjoyed a lovely break. As we start a new term tomorrow, we are delighted to be welcoming your daughter back into school.

    In preparation for the cold weather that has been predicted, we have made the decision for students to be allowed to use their own form rooms at break time and lunch time over the next two-week period.

    Click here to read more

  • Dear Parent/Carers

    As we approach the Christmas holidays, I wanted to remind you of the arrangements for the last day of term as well as the first day back in January.

    Click here to read more

  • For children and young people that attend school in the Kingston and Richmond borough.

    We are inviting children in Reception to Year 11 and include children who live in our borough and do not attend school.

    Click here for more information

  • You should be aware from your son/daughter that we are once again taking part in the ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’ Food Bank Appeal. For the past few years we have taken part in the ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’ scheme where, instead of the usual advent calendar countdown to Christmas we have asked students and staff to bring in donations for a local food bank. In the past we have been able to make a large delivery of goods, both food and toiletry items, to local charities just before Christmas. This year it is more essential than ever with many more families in need.

    Click here for more information

  • Raffle

    The Parents and Friends Association (PFA) of Tolworth Girls' School & Sixth Form are proud to announce our annual online Christmas raffle. The raffle is always very popular and accounts for a large proportion of the funds we raise in an academic year.

    We have 17 amazing prizes to be won and we would like to thank all those who have made a donation to make this possible. Your support means so much, particularly at a time when money is stretched for so many families and businesses.

    Click here

  • Come celebrate with us at the TGS Festive Foyer on Friday, December 8th! Click the link for further details.

    Click here

  • Check out the link below for vouchers offering discounts on Christmas Trees at Court Farm.

    Click here

  • Can you please help?

    We are building a comprehensive careers programme at Tolworth Girls' School & Sixth Form and we need your help.

    The more engagement young people have with employers the more employable they become.

    We are looking for support with Work Experience, at our Careers Fair, Careers talks in general and Mock Interviews. Your employer may already have school engagement projects we could join.

    Open for more information

  • Please find below the updated Enrichment Calendar 2023/2024.

    Click here to open 'Enrichment Calendar 23-24'.pdf

    Please note:

    • Chess Club is taking place Friday lunchtime and NOT after school

    • Mandarin for Fun has moved to Room 93

    • Reading Group will take place on Week B only

  • On Thursday 14 September 2023, the school photographer will be in school to take photographs of students in Year 7, Year 9, Year 11 and Year 12 for our computerised records. These photographs will be available for you to purchase on-line directly from the photographer once you have received your confirmation.

    Please click here to open ‘School Photographs’.pdf

  • Dear Parent/Carer

    Following my communication regarding RAAC ((Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) earlier this week and given further guidance from the DFE, I need to inform you of an update.

    Whilst the school premises does not have RAAC, the academy uses the facilities of the Tolworth Recreation Centre as part of our curriculum. We have been assured by Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames (RBK) that a survey of these facilities is imminent.

    In the interim we will not use these facilities until the results are confirmed.

    I am sure that you will understand that the Health and Safety of all members of our community is my main priority.

    With this in mind, until further notice students should wear their PE kit to school on days when they have PE.

    We will continue to keep you informed of any further updates.

    Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

    Yours faithfully

    Jolande Botha-Smith


  • I am writing to make you aware that cases of measles have been rising in England this year. Measles infection can be a serious illness and it is of particular concern in London due to low MMR vaccination rates.

    Click here to open the full letter ‘Is your child up to date with their childhood immunisations?’.pdf

  • I hope you and your family had a lovely summer and feel refreshed and ready for the new academic year.

    We would like to congratulate our Year 11 and Year 13 students on their results. We are very proud of their achievements, particularly in light of the very tough two years they have had. They have met these challenges with positivity, grit and determination and it was heart-warming to see so many happy faces on the two results days…

    Please click here to open ‘Start of Term Arrangements and Key Information’

  • Dear Parent/Carer

    I am writing to ask if you would mind spending a few minutes completing a survey on how your child travels to/from school.

    The survey can be found here:


    Please click here to open ‘Parent Carer Transport Survey 2023’

  • Dear Parent/Carer

    I am writing to inform you that the school will be closed, closing early or opening late to students on the following days.

    Please click here to open ‘2023/2024 School Closures, Early Closures and Late Starts’.pdf

  • I am writing to share with you an exciting resource that we have created to further your daughter’s learning outside the classroom. The ASPIRE Aim High Challenges are a collection of recommendations from each department, designed to stimulate and stretch students during the holidays and/or in free time during term-time. We have already seen some fantastic engagement with the ideas, ranging from recommendations of books, documentaries and podcasts to art exhibitions, dance shows and days out. We hope this will provide a source of inspiration for your daughter over the summer holidays and beyond, to explore her existing interests and discover new pathways in her learning.

    Please click here to open 'ASPIRE Aim High Challenges All Subjects’

    Please click here to open the full letter 'ASPIRE Aim High Challenges’

  • Further to my letter dated Monday 26 September 2022, the Governors are delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Jolande Botha-Smith as the new permanent Headteacher at Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form with immediate effect.

    During a rigorous selection process involving staff, students, Governors and the School Improvement Partner (SIP), Mrs Jolande Botha-Smith strongly demonstrated a clear vision and high expectations for Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form. We are confident that her strategic leadership skills and passion for Teaching and Learning will enable staff and students to reach their full potential and beyond.

    The Board of Governors send their congratulations to Mrs Jolande Botha-Smith and wish her every success in her new role and we look forward to working with her in the coming months.

    Yours faithfully

    Mr Andrew Perks

    Chair of Governors

    Please click here to open the full letter 'Appointment of Permanent Headteacher'.pdf

  • First of all I would like to express my sincere thanks for your continued support and understanding during this time.

    I am writing to give advanced warning that due to a large number of staff expected to take lawful industrial action on Thursday 27 April 2023 and Tuesday 2 May 2023, I will have no choice but to take appropriate steps to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all students.

    Please find below our plans for strike days.

    Please click here to open the full letter 'Industrial Strike Action'.pdf

  • First of all I would like to express my sincere thanks for your continued support and understanding during this time.

    I am writing to give advanced warning that due to a large number of staff expected to take lawful industrial action on Wednesday 15 March and Thursday 16 March 2023, I will have no choice but to take appropriate steps to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all students.

    Please click here to open the full letter 'Industrial Strike Action'.pdf

  • We are pleased to introduce ourselves as your School uniform stockists.

    We are situated in Worcester Park high street opposite Iceland in.

    Free two hour parking in Waitrose car park, don't forget to get a ticket

    We look forward to seeing you over the next few months help purchase your child's uniform.

     Please click here to open - 'Trutex Of Worcester - update'.pdf

    Please click here to open - 'TGS - Package deal'.pdf

     Please click here to open - 'HOW TO-Uniform Info'.pdf

  • I am writing to give advanced warning that due to a large number of staff expected to take lawful industrial action on Thursday 2 March 2023, I will have no choice but to take appropriate steps to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all students.

    I know teachers at Tolworth Girls' School & Sixth Form are reluctant to strike and regret any inconvenience to students and families, however they feel they need to support their professional association and show the strength of their feeling in their dispute with the government over a number of issues.

    Please click here to open - 'Industrial Strike Action – Thursday 2 March 2023'.pdf

  • Further to my previous communication regarding industrial action due to take place next Wednesday

    1 February 2023, I would like to thank you for your support and understanding on this matter. Rest assured our decisions have not been taken lightly, but where a considerable number of staff could take lawful industrial action, I will have no choice but to take appropriate steps to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all students.

    Please click here to open - 'Industrial Strike Action – Wednesday 1 February 2023'.pdf

  • If your child is eligible for ‘free school meals’ and you register them for this, we will receive extra funding called ‘pupil premium’. We use this extra money to improve the educational provision and resources at the school.

    Please click here to open - 'Pupil Premium and Free School Meals January 2023'.pdf

  • Please see below information concerning the increasing numbers of cases of flu, COVID-19 and scarlet fever which the Government have recently issued:

    Back to school advice issued amid high levels of flu, COVID-19 and scarlet fever.

    As pupils and students return to school following the Christmas break, UKHSA is reminding people that winter illnesses continue to circulate at high levels.

    Please click here to open - 'Government Guidance 4.1.2023 - fluCOVID-19 and scarlett fever'.pdf

  • Welcome Back

    I would like to wish you a happy and healthy 2023 and I hope you had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed a relaxing break.

    Today, I am privileged and honoured to start as Interim Headteacher at this outstanding school.

    Please click here to open - 'Welcome back letter 2023'.pdf

  • As you are already aware, our Headteacher Mrs Lowe has decided to retire from her position as Headteacher at Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form. This will take effect from 31 December 2022.

    In order to ensure continuity in this very important position, the Governing Body are delighted to inform you that they have appointed Jolande Botha-Smith to the position of Interim Head with effect from 1 January 2023.

    Please click here to open - 'COG HT Letter to Parents 26.9.2022'.pdf

  • Our Parents Friends Association Needs New Recruits.

    Every single parent and carer of Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form children are members of the PFA. Fundraising is coordinated by the PFA, a group of committed parent volunteers.

    Please click here to open 'Your School Needs You PFA Letter'.pdf

  • Following on from an increase in the meal debts, after the February half term there will be a strict cap on overspend allowed on your child’s ParentPay account.

    Please click here to open the full letter 'Purchasing Meals - No Overspend Allowed'.pdf