• We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Year 11 students on their approach to their GCSE exams so far. Students have shown an excellent attitude towards their exams and we are so proud of their resilience and commitment to their studies. The vast majority of students have been very positive about how they feel their exams have gone and this is a direct result of the focused revision which they have undertaken.

    Please click here for more information

  • I write to inform you that you are now able to purchase tickets for the Year 11 Prom via ParentPay. Students will collect their tickets on Friday 21 June 2024 at their graduation assembly if payment has been received. Prom tickets must be purchased by Friday 14 June 2024. A form will be available on Microsoft Teams for students to make us aware of any dietary requirements or allergies ahead of the Prom.

    Please click here to read more

  • As part of Whole School Curriculum Day, Year 11 students will be taking part in a series of workshops to provide additional support for their GCSE exams.

    The aim of the day will be to explore revision and study methods to prepare students for the demands of external examinations and to deepen their knowledge and acquisition of skills in their Sciences. Success in Science will benefit all students with their next steps, regardless of which courses they intend to pursue post-16.

    Please click here for more information

  • We are writing to invite you to the Year 11 Parent/Student Consultation Evening which will be held in school on Tuesday 30 January 2024 from 3.45pm until 6.45pm.

    Please click here to open the full letter ‘Year 11 Parent/Student Consultation Evening - Tuesday 30 January 2024’.pdf

    Parents’ Guide for Booking Appointments

  • We are writing to inform you of some of the extra support that we will be providing for Year 11 students in the final two terms before their examinations.

    Since 2018, we have run a successful Study Programme to support Year 11 students in preparing for their examinations. This replaces homework and will run from the week beginning Monday

    15 January 2024 until the summer exams. This week, students will be issued with booklets for each of their subjects which will contain all of the Study Programme tasks for that subject.

    Click here to read more

  • We are aware that on Thursday 14 December and Friday 15 December 2023 Year 11 will be on study leave but will also be on site and may wish to purchase food.

    Click here for more information

  • The majority of Year 11 students have expressed an interest in purchasing a hoodie to celebrate their graduation from Upper School and for completing their GCSEs. This has proved to be a popular tradition with students over the years and we are keen to continue it.

    Hoodies must be purchased in advance and are now available on ParentPay. The deadline for all orders is 4.00pm on Monday 8 January 2024. Please pay via ParentPay at your earliest convenience, ensuring that you carefully select the correct option for the hoodie that your daughter has ordered with us in school (see below for the two available options). After this date, there will not be any further opportunities to purchase a hoodie.

    Please click here for more information

  • Dear Parent/Guardian,

    Your child’s annual flu vaccination is now due. This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu. Please click here to open ‘TGS Parent Flu School Letter’.pdf

  • We would like to congratulate Year 11 students on their positive start to the autumn term and provide a reminder of the assessment dates for this year along with the support on offer to our students. The first assessment fortnight is taking place from Monday 2 October 2023 until Friday 13 October 2023 and will be a valuable opportunity for Year 11 students to consolidate their learning, for staff to provide feedback on their progress and to highlight areas for further development.

    Please click here to open 'Autumn Update from the Head of Year 11'.pdf

  • We are delighted to welcome your daughter back to school this week and hope that she is well rested and looking forward to the academic journey ahead. Please find some key information below to support your daughter in making her return as smooth as possible this week.

    Please click here to open ‘Year 8-11 Welcome Back to Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form’.pdf

  • This is a reminder that we are looking forward to welcoming Year 11 students into school to collect their exam results on Thursday 24 August 2023.

    Results can be collected between 8.30am and 10.00am.

    Click here to open ‘GCSE Results Day Letter 2023’

  • End of Year Arrangements and Study Leave

    Friday 12 May 2023

    Students will have a Year Group assembly and final pre-exam reminders, information and notices. There will also be an opportunity for students to do their ‘shirt signing’ as is tradition. Please remind your daughter to bring in an additional shirt to school on this day for signing. Full and correct school uniform is required for all remaining school days and throughout all exams.

    Monday 15 May – Wednesday 24 May 2023

    The main examination season starts on Monday 15 May and from this date Year 11 students will follow an amended timetable. All students are expected to attend school as usual from 8.25am until 2.40pm, unless they are in an exam which finishes after this time…

    Click here to open 'End of Year Arrangements and Study Leave '

  • As part of the Whole School Curriculum Day, Year 11 students will be taking part in a series of activities in Maths and Science to support the preparation for their GCSE exams.

    Click here to open 'Year 11 WSCD - GCSE Science and Maths Day'

  • We are writing to invite you to the Year 11 Parent/Student Consultation Evening on Tuesday 31 January 2023 from 3.30pm until 6.15pm. During this evening, you will have the opportunity to meet virtually with a selection of your daughter’s subject teachers to discuss her work, attitude and progress.

    Click this link to open - Year 11 Parent/Student Virtual Evening

    Click this link to open - Parents’ Guide for Booking Appointments

  • We would like to congratulate Year 11 students on their positive start to the autumn term. The first assessment fortnight has been a valuable opportunity for Year 11 students to consolidate their learning and for staff to provide feedback on their progress and highlight areas for further development. Parents will receive these academic reports on Friday 4 November 2022.

    Click here to open 'Autumn Update from the Head of Year 11'

  • The Young Reporter Scheme, working in partnership with Newsquest Media Group, run an exciting extra-curricular opportunity for students in Years 10 to 13, allowing them to experience what it is like to work for a real live newspaper. Students have to write one article a month for 8 months which is uploaded onto the Newsquest site. Please see the attached documents for your information.

    There is an administration fee of £30.00 per student which can be paid via ParentPay. Once paid, students will receive their log in details.

    Click this link to open - Young Reporter Letter.pdf

    Click this link to open - What it takes to be a Young Reporter Flyer.pdf