The majority of Year 11 students have expressed an interest in purchasing a hoodie to celebrate their graduation from Upper School and for completing their GCSEs. This has proved to be a popular tradition with students over the years and we are keen to continue it.
I hope this message finds you well. I would like to congratulate Year 11 students on their excellent start to their Year 11 mock examinations. These assessments are a vital step in preparing for their final GCSE examinations and we are proud of the effort and dedication many of them are already demonstrating. To ensure the best possible environment for focused study and success during this period, I would like to remind you of our school policy regarding mobile phones. Mobile phones are not to be seen on-site at any time during the school day. This includes in exam venues, corridors, lessons and study spaces.
Year 11 students will be starting their Assessment Fortnight 2 (mock exams) from Friday
6 December 2024 until Wednesday 18 December 2024. Please see the attached student timetable for your information.
We are in the process of scheduling the MFL speaking exams. Information about these will be included in the individual timetables which will be sent to every Year 11 student shortly.
Students in Key Stage 4 are encouraged, with guidance, to develop more independent learning skills and become lifelong participants in sport and physical activity. Opportunities are given to Year 11 students to access sessions run by PE teachers or qualified instructors, on and off the school site. Students will complete three, four week blocks in the options they have chosen.
Please click here to open the full letter ‘Year 11 Core Physical Education Options Programme’.pdf
As part of the Whole School Curriculum Day, Year 11 students will be participating in a carousel of activities designed to explore different revision and study methods and support their wellbeing and mental health in preparation for their upcoming GCSE exams.
Please click here to open the full letter ‘Year 11 WSCD - Wellbeing and Exam Preparation Day’.pdf
You are warmly invited to attend our forthcoming Sixth Form Open Evening on Tuesday 15 October 2024 from 5.30pm until 7.30pm in the Sixth Form Centre. The evening will consist of a Subject Fair, tours and an opportunity for you to meet and discuss course choices with Heads of Department and other sixth form teachers.
There will be a short presentation at 5.45pm and 6.45pm in the school hall to offer you guidance on making appropriate course choices, admissions and application arrangements.
We are delighted to welcome Year 11 back to school as they undertake their final year of studies towards their GCSEs. To ensure we are providing the best support possible, we would like to invite all Year 11 parents and carers to an information evening on Tuesday 24 September 2024 in the school Theatre from 6.00pm for a 6.15pm start. Please click this link to open 'Year 11 Parent Information Evening 2024.pdf'
Please click this link to open 'GCSE Information Evening Presentation Year 11'.pdf
Please click this link to open 'JCQ Parent Information Guidance Sheet'.pdf