Welcome to the Examinations Department
Information, Rules and Regulations - advice to students
You must read all the Rules and Regulation documents that apply to the type of examinations you are taking. These documents have been written to help you. Read them carefully and follow the instructions. If there is anything you do not understand, ask your teacher.
Any malpractice could lead to disqualification.
Please use the links below to navigate for information*
All communication from the Examinations Department will be via your school email account so please ensure you regularly check your inbox.
Students who are regularly attending lessons will be entered for your first attempt at an exam or assessment by your class teacher. If you wish to enter an exam that is not part of your curriculum (such as home language exams) or you wish to re-sit an exam (GCSE Maths/GCSE English/BTEC units etc.), you must contact the Exams Office and make payment by the deadlines:
Autumn series - September 25th
January series - October 4th
Summer series - January 15th
Entries can be made after these dates however late fees consisting of double and triple fees will be charged.
Please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/VBZSMvU7Lv with the details as soon as possible so charges can be arranged through ParentPay.
Only students in years 10 and above will be considered for qualifications not part of their curriculum. Students interested in sitting home language exams must register their interest with the EAL Teacher and Coordinator by December 1st. You can also register using this form by the deadline: https://forms.office.com/e/VBZSMvU7Lv
Personalised public exam timetables will be emailed to you once entries have been made for the relevant series. Please check all your subjects, tiers (where relevant) and personal details. The correct spelling of your legal name must be used for public exams and on any coursework/NEAs submitted as part of an official qualification.
Any required changes to your personal details must be accompanied with original legal documents. You must inform the school urgently if any changes need to be made.
Nationwide Contingency Plans – Afternoon of 11th June and Whole Day of 25th June 2025
In addition to the dates on your personal timetable, be advised there is a contingency exam afternoon scheduled for June 11th and a whole day for June 25th. This will only come into effect on the orders of JCQ should sustained national or local disruption arise during the Summer 2025 examinations series.
This means all exam candidates must be available to sit exams from the date of their first exam up to and including June 25th 2025.
Many students will have clashes - this is normal. Some exams are designed to be sat back to back, such as GCSE languages. Others will require whole day supervision. Check the clashes in your exams’ email and contact the exams office if you require further clarification.
Mocks/Internal Exams
Any questions relating to internal and mock exams should be directed to your Head of Year.
Clash Situations - Summer 2025
If you are sitting exams, tests or assessments, it is your responsibility to bring all necessary equipment in good working order, follow and abide by the regulations and ensure your school ID is worn at all times. We will not loan out any pens/pencils/calculators etc.
The start time as listed on your timetable is when the exam gets underway; you must arrive at least 15 minutes beforehand otherwise you might not be allowed to sit the exam.
Under no circumstances are you permitted to bring in a mobile phone, internet/Bluetooth enabled device or watch (analogue/digital/smart) into an exam venue. Please place these items in your locker before attending any assessment.
If you do not have access to a locker, you must hand any unauthorised items to Student Reception before making your way to the exam venue. There is no excuse for having any unauthorised items and any incident of malpractice will be reported to the awarding body.
All JCQ regulations can be found at the bottom of this page.
Whether results are sent to your school email account or you collect in person, staff are available to assist with any queries you may have.
Autumn 2024 (sent to your school email account)
GCSE re-sits (6th form) - January 9th
January 2025 (sent to your school email account)
Cambridge Technicals - March 13th
Cambridge Nationals – March 20th
BTEC Firsts & BTEC Nationals (6th form) - March 20th
Summer 2025 (collect in person)
You might need to discuss results with staff and request scripts/reviews to secure sixth-form/college/university places.
Staff will only be accessible on the results days in August and therefore any late queries will not be processed until the new term in September.
A-level/L3 vocational - August 14th
GCSE/L2 vocational - August 21st
Once results are released, you can request scripts or reviews of marking. There are charges for many of these services and awarding bodies impose very strict deadlines.
If you wish to access any post-results services, please email exams@tolworthgirlsschool.co.uk within 7 days of the official release of results. Only you can request these services – not your parents/guardians.
A member of the exams team will contact you to confirm the details and total fees. Payment for post-results services must be made via ParentPay before requests are processed with the awarding body.
It is important to remember your marks and grades are not protected when you access the post-results services and therefore reviewed grades could be lower.
Results you collect in person or have been sent to you via the school’s MIS are provisional results slips. The official qualification and grade is supplied in the form of a certificate. You will need to produce these certificates for college/university and at job interviews.
These are usually available to collect from the school 4 months after the official release of results.
Please email exams@tolworthgirlsschool.co.uk to arrange a date and time to collect.
Do not turn up without having first booked an appointment. You will need to bring photo identification with you.
Please ensure you make arrangements to collect your certificates within 12 months of availability as the school is permitted to destroy any that are unclaimed. To receive replacements, you would need to contact the awarding body directly and pay their charges which are approx. £50 per certificate. Always check with the school first before contacting the awarding bodies.