Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Careers, Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) at Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form is delivered mainly within the tutorial, assembly & PSHE sessions facilitated and supported by specialist staff.
The Careers Strategy sets out that every secondary school uses the following Gatsby Benchmarks to develop and improve careers’ provision:
A stable careers programme
Learning from career and labour market information
Addressing the needs of each pupil
Linking curriculum learning to careers
Encounters with employers and employees
Experiences of workplaces
Encounters with further and higher education
Personal guidance
TGS is committed to providing a programme of careers education from Years 7 to 13 and to giving all students access to independent careers information and guidance through one to one bespoke guidance sessions. The aim is for students to identify the most appropriate pathway through their education in order to attain their future goals.
Careers Newsletter
Careers Newsletter 24/25
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Our Specialist Careers Team
Mrs J Greenland
CEIAG Adviser
Mrs R Hewitt
CEIAG Adviser (6th Form)
Mr O Rhead
Careers Leader SLT Link & Director of Sixth Form
Miss E Chebib
PSHE Coordinator/Lead & Teacher of Social Sciences
The most influential people in a young person’s life are their parents or carers, and many of the ideas related to their careers and future are formulated in their early school years and through conversations with family members.
Careers Policies
Labour Market Information (LMI) / Destination Data
Every student, and parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. The Careerometer 2 enables you to review and compare different occupations, what they involve and what the potential earnings can be.