Policies & Documents
Careers, Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)
Children with Health needs who cannot attend school policy
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Exams - Internal Appeals Procedure
Single Equality Scheme & Objectives 2022-2024
Supporting Students with Medical Needs
Annual Report & Financial Statements:
Deed of Variation to Funding Agreement - Oct 22
Register of Business Interests 2024
Tolworth Girls' School acknowledges that to function properly we need to collect and use certain types of information about staff, students and other individuals who come into contact with the school. We are also obliged to collect and use data to fulfil our obligations to the local authority, Department for Education and other bodies. The school aims to ensure that all personal data collected about staff, students, parents, governors, visitors and other individuals is collected, stored and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the expected provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) as set out in the Data Protection Bill. The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the school's data protection policy, monitoring the school's compliance with data protection law, and developing related policies and guidelines where applicable.
The school's DPO is Mr Perry, Senior Assistant Headteacher who can be contacted on dpo@tolworthgirlsschool.co.uk.
In this section of the website, you will find the policies and privacy notices that relate to data protection at the school. Please click on the document you would like to view below:
Privacy Notice for Parents/Carers
Privacy Notice for School Workforce
Marking & Feedback
The key purpose of marking and feedback is to promote learning and reduce the 'gap' between what students know or can do and what they need to know or do to make further progress. From January 2015 teachers will be marking work a little bit differently to how they may have marked it in the past.
All students have been given a copy of the documents:
This has been written to help students understand the feedback they can expect from teachers, and to help them understand what they need to do in order to benefit from this feedback.
Homework / independent study is any work or activity which students are asked to do outside lesson time either on their own or with parents or carers.
Homework should not prevent students from participating in after school activities such as sport, music or clubs. Time must be planned to allow completion of homework and other activities.
The Purpose Of Homework / Independent Study is to:
To encourage students to develop the confidence and self-discipline to work on their own.
To consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding.
To extend school learning, for example through additional reading.
To enable students to devote time to particular demands such as GCSE controlled assessments.
To support the home/school relationship